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Japanese Translation

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:07 pm
by gadget
The Aristo that I just got has a whole bunch of Japanese on the multi-function display and I know the kind members here would probably translate it for me given a picture, but I like to do things myself.

I pulled out my trusty iPhone and searched on the appstore. After sifting through the normal type & translate apps I found one that uses the camera. 'Lost in Japan' is the free version (only does single characters), and 'JapanGoggles' is the paid version. Your mileage may vary, but it helped me with my translations - even managed the read the dot-matrix japanese that told me I had a tail light out!

These sample pics are of the buttons taken with the in-app camera (then screen-grabbed after translated):
Image Image Image

I'm in no way affiliated with this crowd, just thought it'd be a handy app for those of us with Japan-sourced cars!


Re: Japanese Translation

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:02 pm
by Alex
nice find bro! definitely would come in handy with some cars.